Page under construction - do come back over the next weeks as we add more information about the team, photos and videos.
About us
About a Tango Feast
We do this four times a year!

Tango Feast started in 2008 to offer a place for dancing Tango during the day and evenings, for dancers to be inspired by international teachers and DJs, to have the opportunity to learn, to live, eat and dream tango for three or four days, all at the one venue. All this before before marathon started.

Our events are relaxed and friendly where all participants strive to be respectful of everybody else.

For this we have two fantastic venues with accommodation and leisure facilities at the same venue. These are both in The English Riviera, in South Devon, UK.
Fernando Guidi
Born in Patagonia, Argentina, and since 2002 living and teaching in the UK.
Fernando is the founder and organizer and still is at the spine of Tango Feast, and together with his team run the whole event.

As well as the Tango Feasts Fernando provides regular classes and monthly milongas. To find out more please visit

The Team

Livy is involved in administration, reception desk, and together with Fernando will sort all the bookings.

David Prime has worked along Fernando since the first edition, he is involve in many practicals jobs to run the event, including sound system and being one of the Djs

The Djs and Teachers, vary for every edition, some come more regular than others, and are listed in the Dj or Teacher page of specific Tango Feast.