4 days of total tango immersion

At the Beverley Park on The English Riviera

  • Everything happens in one venue
  • Dancing all day and late into the night
  • International teachers and DJs
  • Classes and workshops depending on your booking choice
  • Choose to only dance if you wish
  • Wide choice of accommodation on site
  • Leisure facilities included with accommodation booking
  • Book with or without accommodation
We apologise for the delay to have everything ready to take bookings. A few unexpected thing happened that we need to deal with.

Book Now!

Booking opens on Tuesday 6 February 2024
at 21:00 (English Time)
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Booking opens on Tuesday 6 February 2024
at 21:00 (English Time)
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Booking opens in


Thank you to everyone who came to the T Feast spring 2024. It was an amazing success!

We are working on the Programme and detail for
the March 2025 edition.
Toward the end of the year we will announce the date for start taking booking

Despite our delay, Tango Feast Spring will go ahead!!

I am sorry that booking are not open yet, and I hope it will be all ready very soon.
Finally we are back in UK. For those who don’t know, to cut a long story very short, all the delay is due that I suffered an accident just before new year while visiting family in Argentina, I fell from staircase, I ended up admitted to hospital with broken ribs and other things which lead to surgery. I have been focusing in my health and recovery, I needed a lot of rest post operation and I have felt very tired, but every week that past I feel better. Despite all my wiliness, I underestimated how long it would take to recover enough to even do some admin.
This past weekend (6 Feb) we managed to return to UK, 3 weeks later of what we originally planned.
Still more time to go to fully recover, but the good news is that I shall get there.
Looking forward to see you at Tango Feast Spring, if not before!
All the best
A year ago, the tango scene, as we knew it, suddenly pause
The Tuesday, two days before opening the doors for Tango Feast Spring 2020, and after months of preparations, we took the hard decision to cancel the whole event, which it meant sort an arrangement with the venue, ensure we contact and inform every participant, teachers, DJs. It was followed by another week or so solid of work to sort all the admin and refunds.

Within a few days, and 2 weeks before the government imposed the first lockdown, all the the organiser and teachers in all UK cancelled every single event (festivals, milongas, classes etc) and similar happen in the rest of Europe. Despite any economic impact, the decision was purely base on safety and looking after our community.

Soon after, cancelation were extended to all the events within months ahead, and as time past to the whole year. To our surprise, soon after we closed activities, what it follow was an overwhelming support by dancers worldwide, taking classes online, milongas online and in many cases simple contributing and making donations to their favourite events, teachers, etc

I would like to say Big Thank You in the name of all us who work in tango, it is touching to be part of such amazing supporting community.

The Covid19 will have an impact on the Tango scene, I believe that the scene would shrink, and will take years to to get back to the numbers we had pre-pandemic. However, I have fully trust that all of us together, organiser, teacher, Djs, and Social Dancers will be able to re-build it.

Big Thank You! to the whole team and each of you who took part at Tango Feast Spring 2018

once a again, it was a huge success! soon we will display the date for 2020

4 days of total tango immersion

At the Beverley Park on The English Riviera

  • Everything happens in one venue
  • Dancing all day and late into the night
  • International teachers and DJs
  • Classes and workshops depending on your booking choice
  • Choose to only dance if you wish
  • Wide choice of accommodation on site
  • Leisure facilities included with accommodation booking
  • Book with or without accommodation
Mabel and Fernando
Mabel and Fernando
DJs performing
DJs performing
a workshop in progress
a workshop in progress
caravan with decking
caravan with decking
view of torquay harbour
view of torquay harbour
dancers inviting you to join us
join us
dancers inviting you to join us
join us